Cold Winter Sunday Lunch with Chicken-Champingion-Pineapple Penne Quiche and good Red Wine...

Waiting my family for my own cooked Luch tasting...

You need:
• 100 gr of flour
• 50g butter
• 100g penne
• 250 g cream 35%
• 100 gr Champignon
• 50g pineapple
• 50 gr leek
• 100 gr chicken fillet
• 70 g grated cheese
• 2 eggs
• Maggie ½ packs of four-cheese sauce mix
• Basil
• salt
Mix the flour and melted butter, a mixture of compressed form, and place the oven to 250 degrees for 10-15 minutes.
A mixture of
Put the penne pasta to a boil, simmer for about 10 min, while chop the chicken, mushrooms, leek, pineapple, and brown lightly in olive oil.
When the penne is tender, mixed with mushrooms, leeks, chicken and pineapple. Add the basil flavor, 35 g cheese, and salt.
top cover:
Mix together 250 ml of cream and cheese sauce ½ packs of four maggie-mix, add two eggs and continue beating.
When the key is Gold-coloured, take it out of the oven, and add mixture on the bottom. Finally, with the additional top cover and form the mixture. Furthermore, add grated cheese.
Place the form into the oven to 200 degrees for 20-25 min.

Läheb vaja:
·         100 gr jahu
·         50 gr võid
·         100 gr penne
·         250 gr koort 35%
·         100 gr shampinione
·         50 gr ananassi (konsev)
·         50 gr porrut
·         100 gr kanafileed
·         70 gr riivjuustu
·         2 muna
·         ½ pakki maggie neljajuustu kastme-segu
·         Basiilik
·         sool
Sega jahu ja sulatatud või, suru segu vormi ning aseta ahju 250-kraadi juures 10-15 min.
Pane penne pasta keema, keeda u 10 min, samal ajal tükelda kana, shampinjonid, porru, ananass ning pruunista kergelt oliiviõlis.
Kui penne on pehme, sega kokku seened, porru, kana ning ananass. Lisa basiiliku maitseaine, 35 gr juustu ja sool.
Sega kokku 250 ml koort ning ½ pakki maggie neljajuustu kastme-segu, lisa kaks muna ning vahusta.
Kui põhi on kuldjas, võta ta ahjust välja ning lisa segu põhjale. Viimaks lisa pealiskate ja sega läbi vormis oleva seguga. Peale lisa riivjuust.
Aseta vorm ahju u 20-25 min 200-kraadi juures.

January Gourmet in Estonia - Tartu (Cookbook and Werner) and Tallinn (Cafe Swiss, Velvet)

Delicious Cafe Swiss Salmon Carpaccio  - in Tallinn

Caesar Salad in Cafe Swiss
Caesar Salad in Velvet - Tallinn

Tuna Fish Salad in Cookbook - in Tartu Tasku Centre
Hot Chicken Salad in Werner - Tartu
Chicken Soup in Werner - Tartu

Sweet New Year! Soft and Creamy Baileys Cake with Cherry-Coconut-flakes.

The main
· 250 gr sweet biscuits (Irish Cream)
· 50 gr butter
· Vanilla
· juicy dried cherries
· 600 g cream cheese (karums / philadelphia)
· 400 gr vanilla curd
· 200 gr ricotta
· 2 tablespoons vanilla
· Sugar (to taste)
· 4 eggs
· 200 gr sour cream
· Sugar (to taste)
· 4 cl Baileys
· Vanilla
· Coconut (spice shop)
· 100 gr füüsal (cherry-pineapple or smth)
Crush cookies and mix with melted butter and vanilla. Compressed form and sprinkle of juicy cherries.
Mix together cream cheese, cottage cheese, ricotta, 4 eggs, vanilla and sugar (to taste).
Pour the mixture into a form and place the form into the oven.
Bake for 1 h at 180C.
Mix together sour cream, sugar,vanilla and bayleys. If the cake is cooked, pour over hot cake with sour cream and sprinkle with coconut-flakes, decorate with cherry-pineapple and put the cake in the fridge.

·         250 gr magusad küpsised (selga irish cream)
·         50 gr või
·         Vanilje
·         Kuivatatud mahlased kirsid
·         600 gr toorjuust (karums/philadelphia)
·         400 gr vanilje kohupiim
·         200 gr ricotta
·         2 spl vanilje
·         Suhkur (maitse järgi)
·         4 muna
·         200 gr hapukoor
·         Suhkur (maitse järgi)
·         4 cl baileys
·         Vanilli
·         Kookoshelbed (vürtsipood)
·         100 gr füüsalid
Purusta küpsised ning sega sulatatud või ja vanilliga. Suru segu vormi ka puista üle mahlaste kirssidega.
Sega kokku toorjuust, kohupiim, ricotta, 4 muna, vanilli ja maitse järgi suhkur.
Vala segu küpsise-kirsi põhjale ning aseta vorm ahju.
Küpseta 1 h 180C juures.
Sega kokku hapukoor suhkru, baileyse ja vanilliga. Kui kook on küpsenud, vala kuum kook üle hapukoorega ning puista üle kookoshelvestega, kaunista füüsalitega ning aseta külmikusse.